Dear Parents/Guardians,
Hello! The weather and temperature is certainly ever changing these days! We wanted to write and remind you to please make sure your children are coming prepared to be outdoors for recess every day.
We will be enjoying our Halloween parade and party on Monday, October 31, 2016. The parade starts at 1:30 p.m. on the George Street side of the school and ends at the entrance on School Street Extension. Please send children's costumes in a plastic bag with them that morning. Parents are welcome to come in at 1:00 p.m. to help children get dressed. Also, please join us for the party after the parade is over!
We wanted to get you prepared for some up-coming events in November:
1. Check out our first grade blog on our class page! We just started it and hope that you will enjoy our news!
2. If you need to reach us with a question, try: or but please note that we do not always get a chance to check our e-mail during the day.
3. Math- We are learning to compose and decompose two dimensional shapes. We have reviewed shape names. Students should continue to practice skip counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and backwards.
4. In science we are studying about animals, their structures and functions. We will study plants next.
5. Read, read, read! We are always excited to hear the progress students are making in reading! We are so grateful that many parents are working hard at supporting the 10 minutes of reading each night.
6. Our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner is approaching! Save the date of November 17th, Thursday, for a few songs and poems and then our Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner at 5:30 p.m. in our cafeteria. We will send more details shortly.
Thank you for all you do to make your first grader successful! Mrs. Hearne and Mrs. I.